Everyone feels anxious at some point in their life, and the struggle of fighting anxiety can be traumatising. In order to get your life under your control, you need to know how to handle your fears. Fighting anxiety can make you more stressful and depressed. It is such a terrible feeling when your memory gets foggy and when your heart starts to pound. If you happen to be battling anxiety, you can follow the below tips to get back on your feet and lead a normal and happy life.

Take a break:

When your mind is clogged with so many things, you will not be able to think clearly. Your mind will be flooded with fear and not decisions can be made. You can get frustrated and feel very uncomfortable. During such times, you need to take a small break and give your brain some rest. Stop thinking about anything and talk a walk in the garden or have a small drink which will make you feel relaxed. When you have a clear mind, you will be able to make wise decisions.

Sometimes all you can do is just breathe:

When situations around seem impossible to handle and when your life might be sinking all you got to do is take a moment and breathe. As you breathe, keep reminding yourself that you will not always feel this way and your troubles will vanish. When you take a moment and breathe, your heart which was beating very fast will start to relax and be at a normal pace.

Face your fears:

Fear can cripple people. It consumes us and leaves us heart-broken and scared. When you avoid your fear, you are only going to make things worse. Try to face your fears; we know that it is not as easy as it sounds but you can always give it a try and see how strong you become.

Do not over-think everything:

Sometimes over thinking can harm you more than you can imagine. Especially when you are battling anxiety, you need to stop over-thinking everything. Live in the present and live one day at a time. When you wake up in the morning, don’t be worried about what will happen to you in the next month or the next year. Try to focus on that day and try your best to be happy and joyful even when everything around you is sinking sand.

Everyone has problems:

Do not be upset and think that only you are filled with problems all the time. Life is not meant to be easy, and you will face difficulties. Is it the same for everyone, and it is up to the individual to meet his/her problem and solve the problems they are facing?

Next time your mind gets clogged and when your palms get sweaty, pause for a moment and tell yourself that you are strong and that bold enough to face anything that might come your way.